Thursday 28 June 2012


My brother and I used to make omelette together when we were just old enough to be left at home and cook for ourselves. We had a recipe book for kids called "Hot Things" that had pictures of very little people cooking very big meals, and it was our staple for experimenting. Along with "Eggy Bread," omelette was one of our favourites. We would whisk up the eggs with some milk, put them in to the pan and let it sit, gently cooking, eventually tipping the pan back and forth to slide the runny bits of egg out to the edge and under the cooked omelette to ensure it was all well cooked. Topped with cheese, tomato and probably luncheon sausage then folded in to three, it was a real feast.

It's my impression that if someone wants to find out in a short space of time if you know how to cook, they'll ask you to cook an omelette. Omelettes are the litmus test of a good cook, it would seem. And so this is where I start.

As much as we enjoyed our omelette cooking and eating, I'm not sure that the Hot Things recipe covers all the techniques required to cook an omelette that will impress the professionals. But never mind techniques and professionals, I do think they could be better. So I've been experimenting, following some advice, and have found something a little lighter and fluffier. It's worth giving it a go.


Lightly mix 2-3 eggs and heat up a pan with a knob of butter and a glug of oil. You may like to add a splash of milk to your eggs too, though the experts tend to agree that if you've got plenty of good eggs, there's no need. If you want to make your eggs go a little further though, I think why not. Pour the eggs in to the pan and let them sit for a few moments until the underside just begins cooking. One this happens take a fork (if your pan can handle it), or a frying-pan friendly utensil, and gently draw the egg from round the edges in towards the centre. Uncooked egg should slide in to its place, or tilt the pan a little to help it along if need be. Once the egg is becoming firm enough that uncooked egg can't slide in behind your utensil, stop. You don't want it all piling up in the centre. By this stage the surface of the omelette will be bumpy and uneven.

This is the point that required huge self control from me, as I'm really not in to uncooked egg. But you don't want to overcook it, and turn your fluffiness in to rubber. I did just knock a few bits to the edge to ensure they were cooked, then I hardened up and carried on... And remember, the omelette will continue cooking while you add your fillings (you may like to turn the heat down), fold it in half and carry it to the table.

So choose your favourite fillings. I went with some of egg's best friends - cheddar, ham, tomato, parsley and sweet chilli sauce (yes, egg has a lot of friends). Ease a fish slice or spatula under the omelette and then flip one side over the other. Pass your new knowledge on to your meal buddy so they can cook their own while you get on and eat yours (while it's still a Hot Thing).


... to The Cook's Sponge! Have a read here to find out what we are all about.